Slightly Greener™
Living Membership

With award-winning toxin expert
Tonya Harris, MSHN, BCHN®


Everything You Need to Live a Low-Tox Lifestyle on YOUR Terms 

(Without Turning Your Life Upside-Down, Spending a Fortune, or Ditching All the Things You Love!)


Join the Slightly Greener Living Membership Today

Slightly Greener™

With Award-Winning Toxin Expert Tonya Harris, MSHN, BCHN®

Everything You Need to Detoxify Your Home (Without Turning Your Lifestyle Upside-Down!)

Jumpstart Your Home Detox in as Little as 7 Days

nontoxic living

Do you cringe when you think about detoxing your home? 

Are you ready to embrace a healthier (and less-toxic) lifestyle
...but have absolutely NO idea where to start or who to trust? 

You can detox your home quicker and easier than you think - and without breaking the bank.

You know there are a lot of toxic products out there that could harm you and your family's health.

As much as you want to protect them -- you ALSO have to enjoy your life! 


But you've also read those scary articles that make you feel like you're navigating a toxin-laden minefield. You may have even fallen for clever marketing tactics, thinking you're buying safer products because labels say:

"pediatrician recommended"

Not to mention: food and product labels are confusing, many label claims are misleading, and there are cancer-causing toxins lurking in products that are not required to be listed on the label.

nontoxic home

You've spent so much time researching, but Google University has only certified you in confusion and overwhelm.

A shocking 62% of information on the internet is unreliable. Deciphering what's accurate and credible is a full-time job (I know because it’s mine!).


nontoxic clean

You’re laid up with a bad case of analysis paralysis.

Should you focus on food, cleaning products, or maybe your kiddo’s toys? You’re suffering major decision fatigue and feeling BURNT OUT.

home detox,

Your desire for low-toxin living conflicts with not wanting to give up everything you love.

You want to protect your family without turning your life upside down. (Spoiler alert: it is possible!)

The good news?

I have done thousands of hours of research, so you don't have to.

Slightly Greener Living membership
Join the Slightly Greener Living Membership Today

Welcome to YOUR Low-Tox Hub...


Slightly Greener™ Living Membership


 An accessible monthly membership to help you become a savvy, empowered consumer who effortlessly navigates the world of safer, lower-toxic products! 

Soon, your family will be living a healthier lifestyle WITHOUT breaking the bank or giving up the little joys you love.  

You'll confidently stroll into any store, pick up a product, read that label, and KNOW if it's truly safe or not. 


With that kind of knowledge, you're not just detoxing your life; you're transforming it.

Transform your home into a calmer, safer, healthier haven, with tips to reduce toxic chemicals in your your pace. 


Discover how to do a quick purge of toxic products around your home, and then how to organize your new space. And imagine flying through ingredient labels, making decisions easily, and knowing within seconds if a product is truly safer. It's all here in the Slightly Greener™ Living Membership.

Here's what's inside:

Safer Swaps


Once you have started removing toxic products, what should you replace them with? Take the overwhelm and guesswork out by using the Safer Brands guide, which is updated monthly with newer brands. This will take hours off of your product research!

Organizing Tips


A surprising side effect of replacing toxic products is you'll actually reduce the number of products you need!

The organization and de-cluttering tips in the Slightly Greener™ Living membershipmembership will help you say goodbye to double-buying (ever buy a bottle of Ranch only to later discover you already had 2 opened ones buried in the back of the fridge?) and hello to a clutter-free, organized home.

A Robust Resource Library


Get access to every current (and future) guide we have created, such as: Toxins to Toss for Fewer Attention Issues, EMF Protection, Hidden Toxins, Safer Sunscreens, Ingredients to Avoid cheat sheets, & much more. Plus you'll get all the Cheat Sheets from The Slightly Greener Life podcast all in one convenient place.

Access to The Slightly Greener Jumpstart ($97 value)


Based on my best-selling book The Slightly Greener Method, this program gives you a roadmap to help you decide which toxins to prioritize avoiding for your family’s unique needs - quickly and easily! You'll  just be concentrating on a few things at a time, rather than doing a full overhaul of the entire house in one fell swoop. 


It's broken down into several main sections of the home: foods/beverages, cosmetics and personal care products, and cleaning products. Use the planner to discover your why, and then to map out which toxic ingredient or two you want to start avoiding first, then move on from there.

A Facebook Community + Monthly Q&A Calls 


Join us for monthly Q & A calls to get all your questions answered! And join the supportive Facebook community for tips for another place to answer your questions, and to get tips from fellow community members on the same journey.





notoxic home

Purchase the Lifetime Access option and get access  to more than just the membership! In addition to The Slightly Greener Jumpstart, you'll also get access to Green by Design (safer home furnishings, paints and flooring), Green Beginnings (healthy nursery and baby items), and the popular Green Your Clean™ (nontoxic ways to clean just about every surface in your home). These are sold individually for $27 to $97 each, but you'll get them included with Lifetime Access!

By joining our membership, you gain more than just toxin-free living. You become a savvy, empowered consumer who effortlessly navigates the world of safer, non-toxic products. Imagine flying through ingredient labels, making decisions with ease, knowing within seconds if a product is truly safer.

Join Now

and start your toxin-free journey, your way!

Slightly Greener Living

With this membership you'll get:

1. Membership Hub with Instant Access to Guides, Cheat Sheets, and Countless other Valuable Resources (Value $997)

2. Access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart 

3. Facebook Community to Share Tips and Get Support From Others on the Same Journey

4.  Monthly Q&A Calls to Get Your Questions Answered from Tonya 

5. BONUS! When you choose the Lifetime Access Option, you'll also get access to Green by Design, Green Beginnings, and the popular Green Your Clean™ 



Cancel anytime with just the click of a button.
Monthly memberships will automatically be charged monthly on the original date of purchase. 
12-month and Lifetime Access memberships will be charged in full at time of purchase
(Access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart is available as long as you’re a member of Slightly Greener Living. Access will be removed when your membership has expired. If you would like to keep access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart after that time it can be purchased separately.)

Tonya Harris

Hey there, I'm Tonya Harris

– a proud mom of three and a childhood cancer survivor, who also happens to be an award-winning toxin expert.

Honestly, I didn't dive into this world of low-tox living because I'm some supermom. Nope, far from it...

I was pretty much thrown into it out of necessity. My journey started after seeing my son's attention issues decrease with just a few simple tweaks to his diet.

I became hooked on finding out about how toxins in the home could be affecting our health, so I went back to school for a Master's degree and then went on to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition so that I could help other parents with the information I wish I had at the start of this journey. 

nontoxic products

Today, you may have seen my healthy living tips on TV shows such as The Dr. Oz Show, CBS Los Angeles, Great Day Washington, Good Day LA, KTLA, or CBS New York, or online in publications like Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart Living, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens, Architectural Digest, and Southern Living

But at the core of it all, I'm a mom first. That's why I approach this mission with empathy and understanding – I've been there, and I get it. It's not about being a perfect mom; it's about making informed choices to protect our loved ones.

Through thousands of hours of research, I've unraveled the mysteries of these toxic chemicals and how they can sneak into our lives.

I've learned the ins and outs of deciphering labels, uncovering hidden toxins that aren't required to be listed, and so much more.

What's the result of all this dedication? A streamlined system that has already helped thousands of families, mine included, kick those harmful toxins to the curb. And guess what? I'm here to help you do the same.

I'm not just spouting facts; I've lived and breathed this journey. Together, we'll transform your home into a low-tox haven, and I'll be right by your side, every step of the way.
Tonya Harris


Your Burning Questions Answered

Join me today, and let's simplify your low-tox journey together!

Not quite ready to dive headfirst? 
How about dipping your pretty polished toe in with one of our courses?

Check Out the Courses

Join me today, and let's simplify your low-tox journey together!

Not quite ready to dive headfirst? 
How about dipping your pretty polished toe in with one of our courses?

Check out the Courses

Join Now

and start your toxin-free journey, your way, no matter how hectic things get!

With this program you'll get:

1. Membership Hub with Instant Access to Guides, Cheat Sheets, and Countless other Valuable Resources (Value $300)

2. Access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart (Value $97)

3. Facebook Community to Share Tips and Get Support From Others on the Same Journey (Value $300)

4.  Monthly Q&A Calls to Get Your Questions Answered from Tonya (Value $100)

5. BONUS! When you choose the Lifetime Access Option, you'll also get access to Green by Design, Green Beginnings, and the popular Green Your Clean™ (Value $1000)

  Total Value = ($4200)  


home detox

Cancel anytime with just the click of a button.
Monthly memberships will automatically be charged monthly on the original date of purchase. 
12-month and Lifetime Access memberships will be charged in full at time of purchase
(Access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart is available as long as you’re a member of Slightly Greener Living. Access will be removed when your membership has expired. If you would like to keep access to the Slightly Greener Jumpstart after that time it can be purchased separately.)
Purchase Lifetime Access and get access to all current & future courses! See below.

Our Mission

At Slightly Greener, our mission is crystal clear - to empower you with simple tips that effortlessly fit into your daily life. We're all about making toxin-free living practical, no matter how hectic things gets.

Unbiased, Science-Backed Information:
At Slightly Greener, we're all about providing you with research-backed insights, without any ties to MLMs, network marketing products, or affiliate links.

Pure Unbiased Knowledge:
Just pure, unbiased, research-backed information – because you deserve nothing less.